Saturday, April 2, 2016



Social support can play a major part in our daily stress. Social support is in charge of the way we perceive the love and care provided by someone that is caring. It is believed that social support can have an extreme effect on people.  For me it is very important as a human being to provide the necessary amount of support for my friends and family when they needed it. I always go above and beyond to assist others when they need me, especially if they are related to me or they are close friends. Also in exchange we expect that people are going to be there for us when we need them. I believe it is very important to keep contact with friends and family in order to have a good social support when we are stressed. The relationship between social support and stress is the kind of relationship associated between a friend, or perhaps someone close to us like a family member or maybe someone that provides support when needed. Things we need to do to build social support network could be to try to make friends and keep them close to us, also it is very important to maintain contact with relatives and family members. In many occasions we have problems that might put us or forces us to stay away from friends and family, but we never consider that we might need a lending hand from the same people. Fortunately is never too late to fix the bond that was broken.

The difference between social support and social support network is that the support network can be provided only by a health therapist. For some people is easier to go through therapies in a group, and open up than trying to find a person to trust. People can be intimidated when trying to socialize with a good friend or maybe a relative.  It depends on individuals if they have the necessary skills to be able to socialize or not.

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