Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Is our food tricking us?

Is our food tricking us?
                       On this video I learned that looks can be deceiving. I was in shock I could not believe how companies lie to you about selling bagels or cereal making you believe their products have real blueberries. After I saw the video I started checking every product that I purchase. I even started checking other products that I currently have at home.
            From this day on I learned that I can not trust companies, and that I have to read the ingredients of the products sold in stores. I am responsible for the products I feed my family. I have never realized how Kellogg’s company make their products look so natural when in reality they do not add real fruit. Another store is target brand bagels their product is not cheap and they advertise it like it is.
            In conclusion make sure you read everything you purchase in stores, it does not matter where you get it. Always read before purchasing, so they won’t make you think you are eating healthy.  http://tv.naturalnews.com/v.asp?v=7ec06d27b1a945be85e7da8483025962


Monday, February 22, 2016

Obesity Epidemic

Obesity the epidemic
Obesity has become an epidemic due to the invention of technology. People are not walking like they used to. People drive all over the place. Most people on this day have a schedule full of activities, not allowing time to cook and eat healthy foods. Many parents place their children in different activities after school like sports. Not thinking that this can put an extra load on the parent driving the children to these type of activities, shortening the time necessary to cook a good healthy meal.  People buy frozen meals which are not healthy.
One of the main causes contributing to obesity is having a car in the family that is used for everything instead of people considering to walk. Another thing is technology kids watching so many hours of television and playing too many hours of video games. Can contribute to obesity because children do not want to do anything else. These children do not play outside like they used to twenty years ago. Also many of our children do not walk to school like many years ago.
Some of the actions that we can take is walk with our children to school more often. Do not allow them to sit for prolonged time watching television for a long period and do not let them play video games for prolonged hours either. Cook healthy meals for them and teach them how to eat and cook healthy. Let them participate so they can learn to remain healthy.  If we allow our children to continue this trend their health will deteriorate by having diabetes type II and complications from it.  The problem with obesity in our children at an early age will increase the probability of adult obesity, giving them heart problems also contributing to having high blood pressure.
In conclusion we can stop the increasing rate of obesity by walking more daily, eating healthy and passing our new generations this good habits. Exercising regularly and not allowing our kids to stay sitting down for long periods. Motivating them to play outside and help them become more active can stop obesity.  

30 Day Challenge

                      Trying something new for 30 days
 I have been trying to implement something new for thirty days. For example I have been taking long walks daily, and also I have been also hiking in trails. In my whole life I never did this before and I don’t even know why. I love it and I have enjoyed this so much. It is good for my heart and helps me relieve stress. I am able to look from the top of the mountain and take pictures down to the freeway. I am enjoying nature and I feel different ever since I started walking, and taking this challenge. I feel positive and relax and also I have been able to lose some weight.
By walking this trails I have been able to implement the fun theory and also have been able to increase my health.  I have been making a big effort on counting 10,000 steps on a daily basis. Off course there is days where I can count 5,000 steps and I feel very tired. However, just thinking how wonderful and relaxing the trails are pushes me to continue walking daily.  One way to implement fun theory is by setting goals that are exciting and also get familiar with the benefit of implementing this goal.
Another good challenge that I have put to use is drinking more water for the last thirty days. I personally hate water, because I do not like the taste of it. I had kidney problems before, and now that I drink more water I feel the benefit of it. I tried to make the water interesting by adding a slice of lemon in it. I purchase new cups that show me how delicious it can be. Water is necessary for our health and we know that at least sixty percent of our bodies is composed by water.
In conclusion I tried the thirty days doing something new and I have been enjoying every bit of it. I had wonderful results just by pushing myself daily and will continue to do another thing for another thirty days. My health has been improving and I have been able to sleep more. 

Team Work

Team Work 
By Maria E. Rivera

In my own experience being able to work well with others has been very exciting.  Through my whole life I have been taking in consideration that most people do not share the same ideas as me. However it is very important to listen to others and always put ourselves in their shoes.  Most people have different ways to look at things, but as an adult I was put in situations to act responsible and get along with others. Trying to work with their ideas and schedule it’s a hassle that not everybody is willing to deal with, but I was able to master.  Things can work well if we act responsible. Working well with others emotionally has not been a problem at all. Yet being able to understand other’s needs is the most important thing in order to make things work. The interpersonal side of me as a mature woman makes me go the extra mile to try to set an example to show that I can work well with others.  I am always working above and beyond to assist others so we can accomplish the things we need to do as a group.
   I agree with the article of forbes.com that companies should look for workers that have qualities like being able to work in teams because it is very hard to deal with somebody that does not have people skills, being able to make decisions and solve problems especially when emergencies arrive can contribute effectively benefitting the company we work for. As adults we need to plan ahead use organizational skills and learn how to prioritize at work. We should be able to master communication with the other co-workers at all times, that can be an indication that we can get along and that our supervisors can trust us in many situations. If all this qualities can be implemented at work I believe things can run pretty smooth at work in regards of getting along well instead of causing problems. http://www.forbes.com/sites/susanadams/2013/10/11/the-10-skills-employers-most-want-in-20-something-employees/
            I also agree with the Noba blog called “Group Assignment? How to avoid disaster and collaborate successfully”, yes it is true that students can be unorganized, and it takes a lot of effort and courage to organize work in a group of people. Not everybody is willing to work in a group because in many occasions they do not enjoy working with other people or neither have the time to work with others because they work and do not know how to manage time.  One thing I would like to add to the Noba blog is that teachers can also give the students the choice to work independently in certain occasions especially when students can be disable and have lots of doctor’s appointments. In the case of Ethan his group was very successful because his group was very organized and the group had the necessary elements required to produce a good paper. This group deserve a good grade. In Ava’s situation unfortunately her group had bad consequences, because none of the students were able to get together and get organized from the beginning. In top of that they were plagiarizing making matters worse.http://nobaproject.com/blog/2014-08-27-group-assignment-how-to-avoid-disaster-amp-collaborate-successfully
In conclusion being able to work well with others can be hard to do, but if we get organized and are willing to work with a group things can be possible. It is important for everyone to be able to work together.